The Headquarter of the Free French Forces

4 Carlton Gardens during the war4 Carlton Gardens, London (source : ECPAD)

During the war

This building has been conceived by the architect John Nash at the place of the ancient palace of Regent Prince. Some stories tell that Josh Nash was inspired by a French architect called Ange-Jacques Gabriel.
This was the place where the General De Gaulle worked. He settled there the Headquarter of the Free French Forces. From this office, De Gaulle coordinated the different actions and future projects in order to preserve the liberty of France.

However there is a misunderstanding about the number of his apartment since some sources tell about the 3 Carlton Gardens.
We also know that the Carlton Gardens is not the first place in which the Free French Forces have been established. Indeed, in a first time the 18th June 1940, after the first volunteer’s coming, the provisory national Committee takes place in twelve rooms at the St-Stephens House, Victoria Embankment next to the Thames.

The headquartier of the Free French Forces accommodates the military and civil services of the free France :
– Military branch (104 persons): a military cabinet, a general staff and services (recruitment’s deposit of Olympia, management and treasure, health and deposit).
– Civil services (53 persons): civil cabinet, financial service, exterior and colonial affair’s service, technical and armament’s service, juridic service, press and information service and finally French people in abroad service.

October 23rd, 1941 : De Gaulle observes one minute of silence in tribute to the hostages executed by firing squad the day before in France by the Germans. 


4 Carlton Gardens4 Carlton Garden, London (Source : Corentin Perrette)


Today this place shelters a business lawyers company.

However a commemorative plaque is hung on the wall to prove the presence of de Gaulle in London.

There is also a rock statue inaugurated by the Queen Elizabeth on Wednesday the 23rd June 1993.
This Statue shows De Gaulle as he was at the date of his appeal of the 18th June 1940.

Commemorative plaqueCommemorative plaque hung on the building

3 réflexions sur “The Headquarter of the Free French Forces

  1. J’estime que la France ,sur initiative publique,voire privée,aurait du depuis longtemps instituer au 4 Carlton Gardens ,ne serait ce qu’à l’étage du Général,un lieu de souvenir de la France Libre ouvert à tous.
    Des millions de touristes français visitent Londres chaque année et iraient sûrement le visiter.Sans compter les 300.000 français résidents.
    Pour ma part à chaque passage à Londres j’y vais me recueillir,et j’ai même eu la chance de visiter l’étage en question ,avec son horloge murale mythique,alors vide d’occupants.

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